So you've graduated from the University of Chicago, now what?
As you've probably been able to figure out from subtle references in my summer posts, I have been looking for a job since graduation. Before graduation I applied to several internships, which I obviously did not get (except for one unpaid one and I was sooo certain I could find a paying job by now). Dream job: Working in a research/writing capacity for a nonprofit focused on the environment. Reality: Applying to nonprofits doing a variety of work and for a variety of positions. How am I going about the job hunt? I job search and apply. I look primarily on,, and LinkedIn. I also get an email from the associate director of MAPH, who has been sharing jobs she finds and thinks we would be interested in. The number of jobs I apply to really varies. Some weeks it's one job. Others, it's two a day for a week straight. I have gotten much quicker at producing a tailored resume and cover letter and can usually complete both within two hours. It helps that...