Days two and three: GRAND Canyon

Had a pretty delayed start from Las Vegas. I went out for a 6 mile run, partially on the strip at 6:30AM and it was already 83 degrees. Before leaving we stopped at a Walmart to purchase a tent, deciding we would try our luck at camping at the Grand Canyon.

As it neared 5PM we knew we would only be able to try the self-service sites and were a little worried about availability, since our move coincides with Labor Day weekend :/ Just before reaching the park though, we spotted a campsite at a state park, found an available spot and set up camp. Happy with our find, we journeyed into the park.

There are some things that you see repeatedly in photographs because they're famous and  frequently visited. And sometimes when you get to see those things for yourself, they don't live up to the pictures. For example, when my mom and I went to Sydney, Australia and saw the Opera House with its funky white arches, we both remember being disappointed. It wasn't nearly as big as it looked in pictures and wasn't as white either. But when I first caught a glimpse of the Grand Canyon through the trees and pulled over for an unobstructed view, it took my breath away. I have no other words because there are none fitting enough and the pictures won't do it justice. I will say that it was a soul stirring experience.

The next day Maggie and I headed back to the Grand Canyon because we only spent an hour there the evening before. I ran 8.5 miles along the Rim Trail and enjoyed the views almost exclusively (it was 6:30AM). During the last three miles I met another runner and enjoyed her company to the end of the trail before catching the shuttle back to meet up with Maggie. Maggie and I then went to the other end of the trail to the Desert Watchtower. SUPER cool.

We left GC around noon, got lost, and 6 hours later found our way to Four Corners Monument.

Our original plan was to head to Arches after that and seek out another campsite for the night but decided last minute to check out Mesa Verde NP, only 56 minutes away (feels like the blink of an eye when all other legs have taken 4 - 8 hours). I called on the way and secured a spot to camp inside the park. We arrived at 9PM and went to sleep as soon as the tent was erected.


  1. So amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Love you!

  2. Ha, thank you for identifying yourself :) and leaving a comment! Miss you! xo


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