Did I mention I ran a half marathon September 24th?

The Sunday before the first week of school started I ran the Chicago Half Marathon. I had signed up for it back in June or July for a couple of reasons:

1. It was being held in Hyde Park so I knew getting to it wouldn't be too complicated (as it turns out the start was 1.2 miles from my apartment).
2. I am worried that the horrendous weather that will be here in a month or so is going to impede the progress I've made in my running. Thanks to Patrick's coaching I think I'm the fastest I've been in my running career. During his last visit to Monterey we ran a 6:02 mile which was my PR in high school. So, by signing up for a race, I figured I would stay motivated. Now you may be thinking, September? That's not winter time and, you would be correct. I guess I didn't want to sign up for one too far out not knowing my schedule, etc.

As many of you are aware, it has been hot and humid here and race day was no exception. In the coolish morning and while under shady park streets, my first 5 miles were right on track and gradually getting just a little faster. After the sun came out fully and the humidity kept up, my next 4 miles were a little slower but consistent. After mile 9? I hit a wall and eked it out to the finish.
If you want to see My results, click the hyperlink. It's still a PR for me.

A fun run though, there was beer and pizza after and a fun girl punk band covering all the great girl songs (No Doubt, Pat Benatar, Lady Gaga, etc.).

I signed up for this run on November 4th. I wanted to see if I could break 20 in a 5k but most importantly I want the customized sugar skull you get if you are in the top three of your division :)


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