I'm back! With so much to share. Patrick came to visit from Thursday (10/12) evening to Monday (10/16). Maggie went to go visit her cousins during his visit. I desperately wanted to meet him at the airport but my Spanish Lit class had a make up class that evening that let out right when he landed. So we met at Millennium Park; he took the train from the airport and I took a bus from home. We met at the bean (cloud gate) and walked around the park before heading home. Friday we went for a run in which I attempted to run a sub 6 minute mile but my actual workout for the day included two, one mile repeats with a half mile recovery jog in between. So he had me wait to try during the second one and my times were 6:27 for the first and 6:10 for the second. I was disappointed but then realized (with Patrick's excited help) that, that was actually quite a feat for me. He then walked me to my precept class (No, he didn't carry my books for me. In fact, I carried his book in my...
My first week of colloquium began Sunday (9/10) with a film screening of Singin' in the Rain and a BBQ . I had never seen the movie before and was glad that's what we watched when I found out the year before they showed the movie Alien (I would not have enjoyed that). The BBQ offered the chance to meet and talk with my peers, which was great. Monday started with a breakfast with our three cohort mentors . There are 100 of us and these mentors went through the program last year and are here to help guide us through our year. After that we had a presentation from the grad school career councilor . I have already set up an appointment to see her in the beginning of October so she can tell me what I'm going to do after this program! Then we had our first Core lecture . As a group our interests are very diverse, I am the only person studying Spanish literature. I've talked to folks studying the classics (Greek and Latin), philosophy, art history, French and Italian litera...
For my graduation/birthday present, my mom and Chris took me along for their road trip back to California. Our trip began with a drive a few hours north, to Door County, Wisconsin , to a 150 year old lighthouse. To visit the Cana Island Lighthouse, we had to ride in a wagon pulled by a tractor across a few feet of water, because the lighthouse is indeed on an island. We went to the top for a wonderful view of Lake Michigan and the shoreline. The Fresnel lens is being removed and put in the museum, so this was the last summer to see it in its proper home. Minneapolis was our next stop. In the morning my mom, Chris and I went to a park near our hotel so we could go for a run/walk. The park was really a series of lakes and supposedly part of the Twin Cities Marathon course. It was a really wonderful place to run and I liked how they had two parallel paths, one for biking and the other for running. Parts of Chicago's Lakeshore path seem to be attempting this, but f...
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