A tale of two blogs

I have started a new blog! So that:
1. I can try out a more common blogging site and therefore one that can be mentioned on a resume
2. I can start blogging about environmental issues and topics I have noticed in Chicago
2.a. I can demonstrate my writing, blogging, researching, editing abilities to future employers (who will hopefully be environmental nonprofits)

I will continue to post here at least once a month, with updates on the happenings here in Chicago (business as usual). You are of course welcome to check out the other blog if you have any interest learning about environmental concerns in Chicago and my perspective on them, but I don't want to make too many demands on your time. Same name, different blogging site: chelseyinchicago.wordpress.com

My upcoming blog will be about how I qualified for the Boston Marathon and my move from the neighborhood of Hyde Park to Uptown.


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